What are the frequently asked questions about Infertility?
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There are many questions arises in the mind of couples who were unable to conceive a baby after having unprotected intercourse for more than a year and these question can be:
Are Women are the Only Cause of Infertility?
It’s a myth that only the women are responsible for the cause of infertility. Infertility is a medical problem that affects both men and women equally. According to the study, around 35% of infertility occurs due to a female factor, around 35% is due to a male factor and in rest, 30% both men and women are dealing with the cause of infertility or sometimes the cause of infertility cannot be explained.
What Causes Infertility in Men?
Infertility in men caused by the following:
- Unhealthy or poor functioning of man’s sperm which includes the quality of the man’s sperm.
- Low sperm count which can be due to an enlarged vein inside which loses the skin that surrounds a man’s testicles.
- Hormone imbalance.
- The tube which carries man’s sperms is blockages can cause infertility.
- Cancerous or non-cancerous growths.
- The quality of man’s sperm can also be affected due to a bacterial infection inside the man’s testicles which can also be a sexually transmitted infection (STI).
- Genetic disorders.
- Consumption of alcohol, drugs, and smokes.
- Radiation and X-rays.
- If previously man had any surgery like vasectomy which is a procedure for preventing the sperms from leaving the testicles.
- Medicines, especially those treating cancer, fungus, and ulcers.
What Causes Infertility in Women?
The following are the causes of infertility in women and these are:
- The women who have problems with her reproductive system such as blocked or damaged fallopian tubes, the abnormal opening of the cervix, cancerous or noncancerous growths in the uterus, enlarged ovaries etc.
- A process in which the women egg is collected from her ovary and mix with her partner’s sperm to facilitate fertilization but there are some women who face difficulties while ovulating every month and pregnancy is a challenge for them.
- Disease and disorders which include endometriosis. Endometriosis is a disease or disorder in which women face challenges as her uterine tissue will grow outside her uterus where she has enlarged ovaries which contain fluid-filled sacs.
- It is difficult for older women to get pregnant as her fertility decrease with increased age.
- The women whose menopause stopped before the age of 40 years face challenges to get pregnant and also they face problems like immune system disease, cancer treatments, or a genetic syndrome.
- If women had cancer treatments such as radiotherapy and chemotherapy etc. can affect her fertility.
- Medicines, especially those treating cancer, fungus, and ulcers.
- Consumption of smoke, alcohol or any other drugs can make it difficult for women to get pregnant.
- An absence of a monthly cycle can also affect the woman’s fertility.
- Body weight of women can also cause infertility. According to the study, too much or too little exercise can affect a woman’s chances of getting pregnant. So, the fertility experts at Fertility Center Nepal suggest the women maintain the ideal weight according to her body mass index (BMI) to achieve the successful results of pregnancy.
How do Women Age Affect her Fertility?
According to the study, women who are in their age of twenties are more fertile and their fertility gradually a start declining in ’30s and after the age of 35 it becomes difficult for them to conceive a baby naturally. The women get frustrated as they are not able to conceive after the age of 35 years, however, there are few women who still able to conceive a baby in their 30’s naturally. But if we see overall there are 90% of the women facing difficulties in their mid to late thirties as compared to the women who are having children during their mid to late twenties. The need for fertility assistance is even more common among women who have reached their forties.
For male members, the age does not play a significant role because men continue to produce their sperms throughout their reproductive lives, whereas women are born with all of the eggs they will ever have. So, the age of women has a high impact for not conceiving a baby as compared to men’s age.
How Will I Know that I Need Fertility Treatment?
The couples after their marriage get curious that how long it can take for them to conceive a baby when they want to have a child. For most of the couples, the fertility experts at Fertility Center Nepal will recommend them to try conceiving a baby naturally for one full year before seeking any medical assistance. If still the couples are not able to achieve the successful results they need to meet their fertility expert who will suggest them some tests and medicines to be taken for several months and it has been found that the couples who are physically and mentally fit can easily achieve the successful results and it is important to try to be patient and realize that, in the majority of cases, there is absolutely nothing to be worried about.
However, still, you face difficulties in conceiving a baby naturally then you need to visit Fertility Center Nepal and get your fertility test and on the basis of your medical reports, the fertility expert at Fertility Center Nepal will suggest the best fertility treatment to fulfill your dream of having an own baby.
What Fertility Tests are Recommended by Fertility Experts?
The fertility experts at Fertility Center Nepal will suggest the following testing and these are:
- The fertility expert will suggest the blood tests to check your reproductive hormone levels estradiol (E2), progesterone, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), thyroid hormone, prolactin etc. and she also suggests the male hormone levels test.
- He/she will ask the male member to have a complete semen analysis.
- An ultrasound scan will be conducted to confirm the normal appearance of the uterus and ovaries in the woman.
- To evaluate the woman’s fallopian tubes are opened or not they will conduct an x-ray or a Sonohysterogram.
For more details contact Fertility Center Nepal.