IVF Treatment procedure

IVF Treatment, Procedure and Success Rates

IVF is the assisted process of fertilization help the couples to conceive a baby who is facing difficulty in conceiving a baby naturally after having unprotected regular intercourse for more than one year. IVF is a type of assisted reproductive technology in which the fertility expert will extract the women eggs and manually combines them with sperm samples in a laboratory. If the egg becomes fertilized then your fertility expert will transfer the embryos into the women uterus and will wait to see if pregnancy takes place or not. The process can be an effective and efficient treatment for infertility.

IVF is a first line infertility treatment and it has many steps. This procedure will take several months to complete. In some cases, the women get pregnant in the first cycle, however, much other need to undergo for more than one cycle to achieve the successful results of the pregnancy. IVF definitely increases your chances of pregnancy if you are having fertility problems, but there is no guarantee as everyone’s body is different and IVF won’t work for everyone. So, before undergoing for an IVF treatment speak to your fertility expert about the success rates.

How does IVF Procedure Work?

There are six steps which complete the IVF procedure and these are as follows:

a) Ovarian Stimulation: Your fertility expert first stimulates your ovaries by giving you some fertility drugs which control the timings of your egg ripens and also increases your chances of producing the multiple eggs during one IVF cycle. After your fertility expert will retrieve eggs there are chances that some of the eggs are not fertilized properly, this is the reason they give fertility drugs to produce multiple eggs for fertilization. After that, your fertility expert will monitor the development of eggs in your ovaries by using an ultrasound and blood test to check the level of your hormones.

b) Collection of eggs: After stimulation of the ovaries, your fertility expert will collect the developed eggs from your ovaries with the help of a hollow needle through your pelvic cavity and will give the local anesthesia which reduces the discomfort. There are some cases where women may experience the cramping on the retrieval day and this will continue for several weeks following the procedure, however, the fertility expert will prescribe some painkillers to reduce your pain.

c) Sperm secured: This is the stage where your fertility expert will combine the women eggs with her husband sperm which they have obtained by ejaculation surgically.

d) Fertilization of eggs: In this step of IVF, your fertility expert will mix the collected eggs of women with her husband sperm and kept them in the laboratory for fertilization. There are some cases where the fertilization probability is low then the fertility expert will use other advanced technique of IVF which is ICSI. ICSI is a fertility procedure which is mainly used to treat infertility in men. In this procedure, the fertility expert will directly inject a single active sperm into each egg of women to achieve the fertilization.

e) Transfer of embryo: Embryo transfer is an important day for the women as the embryologist will transfer the best-selected embryo into women uterus and will wait for the pregnancy to have occurred.

f) Pregnancy Test: This is the last step of the IVF procedure where the fertility expert will conduct the pregnancy test after two weeks of embryo transfer and if the pregnancy is positive then the women will be handover to her gynecologist and her pregnancy grow as normal, however, if the results are not positive then women can undergo for some other fertility treatment or can repeat an IVF cycle to achieve the successful pregnancy. According to the study, there are women who had undergone more than two IVF cycles to fulfill their dream of having an own baby.

Success Rates of IVF at Fertility Center Nepal

Success rates of an IVF treatment at Fertility Center Nepal depend on the following factors and these are:

a) Age: Women age and using own eggs are important IVF success factors which need to be considered. According to study, younger women have higher chances of IVF success than an older woman or the women with fewer eggs and the lower quality of eggs. The live birth IVF success rate for women under the age of 35 years is around 75%, however, women with over the age of 40 years the success rates dip down to 35% only.

b) Previous pregnancy: Most of the IVF success rates at the Fertility Center Nepal depend on the previous pregnancy of the women and if it was with the same partner. If you were pregnant previously with the same partner and currently you are undergoing for IVF with the same partner then there is a greater probability of IVF success as the factors such as a history of recurrent miscarriage or a different partner may reduce the chances of IVF success.

c) Type of fertility issues: According to the study, the male infertility issue does impact IVF success rates. The factors like uterine abnormalities, fibroid tumors etc. can also decrease the success rates with IVF. It is important to know that IVF success factors depend on ovulation. Ovarian dysfunction, like the high level of FSH that indicates the women have a low ovarian reserve and this may reduce the chances of IVF success. If women take ovulation stimulation drugs in a larger amount then it lowers down the pregnancy rates and will affect the success rates of the IVF treatment.

It has been found that if both partners are infertile for a longer period of time then it will affect the chances of IVF success rates at Fertility Center Nepal.

d) Change in Lifestyle: In case, the couple smokes and planning to have an IVF treatment then they need to quit smoking if they wish to improve the chances of having an own baby. The smokers require the higher dosage of fertility drugs to stimulate the ovaries. It also lowers the implantation rates and has more failed fertilization cycle. For the successful results quit smoking at least 3 months prior to your IVF.


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