PESA – One of the Easiest Surgical Procedures in Nepal to Get rid of Male Infertility

Urban lifestyle, unhealthy routine, and environmental factors have afflicted many of the individuals living in 21 stPESA treatment in Nepalentury. Don’t you think that these are some major factors that contribute problems in today’s life? Beyond a shadow of a doubt, Yes! We are the only one who has created ravine or pit for us where we fall accident. Anyways coming to the point, we are discussing that considerable topic which is repeatedly increasing day by day. ‘Infertility’, Infertility has become topic of the day for many individuals. When the male partner is unable to become a father by normal intercourse, termed as male infertility. Male infertility is treated by many advances or basic treatments of fertility techniques. One of the best methods we are going to look in this page to fix out male sterility is PESA treatment in Nepal.

A Procedure that can be Effortlessly Carry Out to Solve Male Sterility –

PESA – (Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Cell Aspiration) – PESA treatment in Nepal  recommended by the fertility specialists to that male partner who doesnt have sperms in his ejaculation. PESA treatment is best suited for the males who produce sperm in the testes (Sperms are formed in testes and stored in epididymis) however could reach during the ejaculation. This treatment comes underneath Surgical sperm cell Retrieval, during this method the needle is hooked up with a syringe, passed through the skin of the scrotum and directly placed into the epididymis, above the testes and later on the number of fluids are taken back to examine the sperms for the further method. This technique is usually conducted when the ejaculate has no sperms may be due to previous surgery or blockage etc. With the help of the ICSI technique, PESA is done, because in the ICSI method, the chance of fertilization is more comparing other ART techniques.

Worried for treatment, take a free second opinion.

PESA treatment in Nepal is performed once the male partner-

• Does not have any sperms in ejaculation, which is referred to as azoospermia,
• If there is any blockage in the male partner’s vas deferens (maybe because of Vasectomy), however, the testicle is manufacturing sperm cell.
• The absence of the vas deferens,
• If any testicular disorder is there in the male partner
• For men who have had a vasectomy

The Procedure of PESA –

• PESA is the simplest form of Surgical Sperm Retrieval, and one amongst the most effective techniques to urge eliminate the strain of sterility.
• Usually, PESA treatment Nepal is performed under local anesthesia.
• PESA is neither time taking process nor it has any complication; a male partner can go to work after few hours of the procedure done.
• A fine needle is inserted into the epididymis to acquire the sperms; later by the fertility specialists, its either thawed or ready for ICSI treatment with the female partner’s egg for fertilization, depending on the need of the couple.
• It is the minimal painful and trouble-free process when there is the condition of azoospermia in the male duo.

Before performing PESA treatment in Nepal, few screening tests are done, these are-

• Female has to go through the hormonal test during the menstrual cycle to analyze is she capable to produce the eggs or not.
• Both the partner has to undergo some test of HIV, hepatitis B and C etc.
• Fertility proficients will let you know about any other checkups or test if required.

PESA treatment in Nepal with the ICSI procedure in couples with azoospermia are mainly influenced by –

  • Age of the female partner whose eggs are going to be fertilized with the sperm cell aspired during PESA treatment.
  • PESA is additionally dependent upon the number of mature eggs retrieved from a female partner by the method of ICSI.
  • The number of embryos transferred when fertilization is achieved.

Now the ball is in your court, choose wisely-

There are several PESA treatment Clinic in Nepal, The charge of PESA treatment is approx USD 500. Specialists of this clinic are veteran in their field, the Success rate of PESA treatment in Nepal is 30-50%, relying upon some facts like age factors of the women if any previous medical history etc. Many infertile male partners have solved their issue of infertility by this treatment and have obtained happy results after achieving their own baby. if you are really conscious about your sterility problem, no needs to think too much, just opt for PESA treatment in Nepal and go for it.

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